24-hour time | front |
Eclipse prediction | back |
Age of Moon | front |
Calendar skew | |
Calendar type | front |
Constellations (zodiac) | back |
DST | front |
Equinox | |
GMT | |
Leap year | front |
Moon phase | front |
Nodes of lunar orbit | back |
Precession of the equinoxes | back |
Retrograde | front |
Right Ascension (Sun&Moon) | back |
Rise/set (Moon) | front |
Rise/set (Sun) | front |
Seasons | front |
Sidereal time | back |
Solar time | back |
Solstice | |
UTC | |
Weekday | front |
Year | |
Zodiac | back |
In addition many watches have Geneva has the following indications not usually counted as "complications":