Emerald Sequoia

Shutdown update #2


Goodness, such an unexpected but very welcome outpouring of kind words. We can’t thank you enough for those.

We’re sorry not to be able to respond to your comments individually. If you have a specific question not addressed here, feel free (as always) to reach out to us at essupport@emeraldsequoia.com — we’ll be around at least until the end of 2023.

To respond to a few common comments and questions:

Thanks again for all of your support,

- Steve & Bill

Comments (frozen)

m-eleca 2023-11-01 03:40:10

Two questions on sideloading these beautiful apps to iOS / iPadOS, and, thank you again for these!

1. It is possible on iMazing macOS, to download an app from the device, via “Manage Apps” tab, to an .ipa “backup” file. Do Steve & Bill, or anyone else, know if this will then let one restore and run the same app via iMazing on a new device if the app is no longer in the store - so is this a workaround as long as the software still runs?

2. Does anyone know if it is possible to use the .ipa saved above via iMazing, to install the app in an Apple Xcode Simulator iPad, iPhone or Watch, thus extending the life if one uses an older OS image for the Simulator? I am not familiar with Xcode and tried setting it up to test this when I had a spare hour, but it is not easy to figure out for a novice in an hour, and I do not have spare time to try again for quite a while. Thanks!

tokyodave 2023-11-24 20:24:07

Thank you so much for the greatest iOS app ever written! I have purchased hundreds, probably 1000s of apps over the past many years, and my absolute favorite is Chronometer. Your labor of love is the most gorgeous, functional, cool, beautiful, wonderful app ever written, and it’s obvious that it was a labor of love, as well as an incredible display of skill and artistry.

Thank you for considering how we can keep this app alive available for all of us who already love it, and for future generations!

I saw your blog post this past summer about your decision to remove it from the App Store next year, and I was greatly saddened, but also understand your situation. I very much HOPE that you will be able to get your app resources onto GitHub, if that is the best way to preserve your work, as I had been planning to suggest it.

From one watch and clock lover to another, yours truly, —david scott