Emerald Sequoia

Welcome to the blog


Thanks for looking in on us.

We’ve created this blog so that we can communicate to our customers; Apple does not provide us with any customer email addresses, so this is the best mechanism we have come up with.

We’re not sure what the volume will be until we get going.  But there will be occasional, perhaps weekly or monthly, posts that

and more sporadically

We welcome feedback of all kinds.  Well, maybe not all kinds; please keep it civil.  :-)

Thanks for participating.

- Steve

Comments (frozen)

Matthew 2010-09-14 12:52:14

After seeing Emerald Observatory on my iPad I also purchased your other 4 apps. I am one of the truly obsessed when it comes to exact time. I have a suggestion for another app. Perhaps you could design a clock capable of chiming on the hour, and/or half hour, and/or quarter hour . The chimes could be either Big Ben, Westminster, St Michael, etc.. You might also wish to include nautical bells. I don’t think these features should be included in Observatory. Another separate app might be a dedicated alarm clock with a choice of alarm sounds. Another app might be one that sounds Church bells. Church bells ring an Angelus Bell three times daily, and then there are wedding bells, funeral tolls, etc..

Matthew 2010-09-18 09:09:09

You might consider an app that lists sunrise and sunset, and the three twilights, and Golden Hour times, etc. in text format. I know that these times are included in Observatory but not in text format. I do not think that Observatory ought to be changed. There are several apps that do list sunset, sunrise, etc., but none of them are done well. Thanks.

alfys 2011-01-16 16:22:47

I just bought timestamp and would like to suggest you to modify the menu and allow user to record multiple events at once. Also, i think it is important to have a stop tab so that user can conclude one event by a simple tap.

I hope you may provide a update soon. Thanks.

Steve 2011-01-16 20:16:09

Thanks for the feedback. I’m a bit confused about your request, though. Timestamp doesn’t really have the concept of “start” and “stop” events; everything is just an event, though you can measure the distance between any two events by making the “start” event the “zero reference”. It sounds like you really want an app that does interval timing directly, where each interval has a start and stop time. But that’s not really Timestamp’s focus.

We have had the request to group events into sets or categories, though. If we do that we might allow the capability to assign a different zero point for each set.

Anyway, if you have more information about what you’re proposing, please leave another comment or just contact us directly at essupport@emeraldsequoia.com .

Thanks again, Steve

quiethand 2011-05-26 08:27:21

Hi there. Love this app after only a few days and will be posting recommendation to my Facebook friends. One question, how do you disable the alarm in Istanbul? Read everything I can find here and in help. Can’t find it …

Lovely job, thank you! Tony

Steve 2011-05-26 09:29:46

Hi, thanks for the comments! You can disable the alarm in Istanbul by tapping the pusher at the lower right side of the case. When the alarm is disabled the musical note in the center top will disappear.

- Steve

Astrorev 2012-02-06 08:55:57

Very glad about the latest revision to Chronometer with the additional watch “Babylon” on the iPhone. Will that be oming to the iPad sometime soon? I hope so. Astrorev

Steve 2012-02-06 09:02:17

Hi again! Yes, Babylon will definitely be coming to Chronometer HD. There was a glitch with the app submission process for the iPad version, but we’ve resubmitted and with luck it should be out within the week. I’ve been planning to write a brief blog entry about Babylon once both versions are in the store…

-- Steve