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Emerald Chronometer HD

Chronometer icon vs. Chronometer HD icon

It crashes on the new iPad!
This bug is fixed in version 3.7.3 of Emerald Chronometer HD, which was released in the store on March 13, 2012. The crash only occurs on the new iPad with Retina display.

If you see a problem and you are running ECHD 3.7.3, please let us know immediately at essupport@emeraldsequoia.com.

What's the difference between Emerald Chronometer and Emerald Chronometer HD?
The buttons at the bottom left and right don't work for me, although swiping left and right works fine.
We've had a few reports of this problem, all from customers running older versions of iOS (typically iOS 4.2.1). We have heard from them that upgrading to iOS 4.3.3 fixes the problem. (iPads that we own are all at iOS 4.3.x already and we've been unable to reproduce the problem with the simulator running an older version).

If you see this problem and you *are* running iOS 4.3.x, please let us know immediately at essupport@emeraldsequoia.com.

How come I have to pay again for the iPad version if I already have Emerald Chronometer?
The iPad version was a significant amount of work for us. For more details, see our blog entry about this. You might also be interested in why we code.

That's an awfully short FAQ. I have more questions.
Please see the Emerald Chronometer FAQ.

Copyright © 2011, Emerald Sequoia LLC; last updated: 2013 Oct 23

iPad, iPhone and iPod are trademarks of Apple Inc.